UPDATE: As of 02/2021 Every Wildwood TV Lift Bed includes our SureSupport Bed Frame™, making a separate bed frame unnecessary. If you have a bed frame that you would like to use, it will still work within any of our TV Beds. This includes nearly any standard sized bed frames or adjustable base. In most instances, a box spring will still be needed. If you choose to upgrade to our captain’s bed base eliminates the need for any bed frame or box spring.
One of the most common questions we hear at Wildwood TV Lift Furniture is “What should I do about a bed frame when ordering a bed with a TV lift in the footboard?” The answer to this question is quite simple: at Wildwood TV Lift Furniture, all of our TV beds are designed to incorporate seamlessly with an existing bed frame. In fact, one of our TV lift beds will perfectly surround an existing bed frame without needing to attach to the bed frame at all.
There are a number of reasons why we chose not to provide a bed frame or mattress support of any kind with our TV beds but allow me to illustrate the main two reasons below.
TV Bed Wear and Tear
Because our TV beds are all hand-crafted out of real wood, they are very high quality. In normal use, a Wildwood TV Bed will last a lifetime. However, wood rubbing on wood over the years will eventually cause squeakiness–that’s why cars aren’t made out of wood ;)! Have you ever slept on a squeaky bed? Every time you roll over in the night you are awoken by the creaking of old wooden joints rubbing against each other. Not to mention if you plan on using your bed to “get busy.” In order to fight this, we have built a system that isolates movement only to the mattress, box spring, and bed frame. In doing this, we have successfully been able to reduce the amount of movement occurring in wooden components and, therefore, remove the issue of a squeaky old wooden bed.
Saving You Money
TV beds are unique products, you can’t wander into your nearest furniture store and pick a footboard a TV lift, in fact, we are one of the only TV bed manufacturers in the USA. As such, we ship every TV bed hundreds or thousands of miles, so shipping must be taken into account with every order. Large furniture shipping long distances makes for very costly shipping rates. Additionally, wood is quite expensive, and the amount of wood that would be necessary to construct a mattress support system on a TV bed would add up to be at least $150 in just materials, not to mention all of the time and shipping costs.
It’s a simple math problem after that. If you were to go to your local furniture store or even a Walmart, you’d be able to find a standard bed frame for $50 or less. If we were to ship you a bed frame, the additional cost in shipping would make a bed frame from us much more expensive than picking one up locally. And, if we were to build a mattress support system out of wood, that added material would add weight to the shipment, which would increase the shipping cost to get your TV bed to your home.
Picking the Right Bed Frame
Even though the footboard has a TV in it, everything else about a Wildwood TV Bed is built to be totally standard, depending on which size of TV bed you order. So, if you want a king-sized TV bed, just get a standard king-sized bed frame and our headboard, side rails, and TV lift footboard will perfectly surround the frame. Also, because the TV bed functions as a stand-alone piece of furniture, there is no need to attach your bed frame to it. Therefore, there is no need for you to purchase a TV bed frame with headboard/footboard mounting hardware.
So, what we’re saying is that if you purchase the most rudimentary metal contraption designed to hold your mattress off of the ground, it should work with our TV bed :).
Can Wildwood TV Lift Furniture Provide the Bed Frame?
To keep things nice and easy for you, we do offer a few options for the bed frames. Because the phrase “bed frame” can sometimes include the headboard and footboard, we have termed them our “mattress support systems“. These are the pieces that will actually sit beneath your mattress and support it, and they are totally separate from the headboard and TV lift footboard. Take a look at our bed frames to find one that will fill your needs well.
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