Where will you be using your TV Lift Cabinet?
The first question to ask is what room you want the TV lift cabinet to be placed. The most common locations to place a TV lift cabinet are bedrooms, living rooms, dens, or even between two adjacent rooms.
Bedroom: TV Bed or TV Lift Cabinet
Living Room: Large TV Lift Cabinet
Den: Large TV Lift Cabinet
Between Rooms: Large TV Lift Cabinet
Key Tip: If you’re considering a piece of TV lift furniture for your bedroom, check out a TV Bed! They are often the best bedroom-TV-Lift solution.
TV Lift Cabinet Type
How does your TV Lift need to function?
There are 2 major types of TV lift mechanisms: Swiveling and Non-swiveling.
Ideal for placement against a wall.
Less costly than swiveling mechanisms.
Hinging top or “hat” top available
What is the difference between a hinging top and a hat top?
Hinging tops swing open on a set of hinges; pushed by the rising electric TV lift mechanism.
Ideal for placement away from a wall, visible on both sides.
More costly than non-swiveling mechanisms.
Only the “hat” top available.
Hat tops stay flat on top of the TV while it raises and lowers.
Does your TV lift cabinet need storage?
TV Lift Cabinets are built in two ways, with and without added storage. This storage can come in the form of drawers, doors, or even hidden storage spaces.
Will you be using your TV lift cabinet in conjunction with other devices?
Is this cabinet going to function as an entertainment center?
Are you short on storage?
Do you want a place to store DVDs, video games, or other accessories?
YES (to any) : Get a cabinet with storage!
NO (to all) : Storage isn’t necessary.
Visit our website at or give our team of TV Lift Furniture experts a call at (801) 901-8249 and we’d be happy to help answer any further questions.