TVs are incredible. With a single click of a button you can be transported from your couch or bed into a story that can captivate, entertain, or simply distract you from the woes of life. Being the nations leader in TV bed manufacturing, you don’t need to convince us that TVs serve a great purpose in American homes. But what more and more people are realizing is that TVs are like toasters: they serve a valuable purpose in your home, but they shouldn’t be the focal point of a well-designed room. Nowhere is this more true than in your bedroom. Your bedroom should be your oasis from the world, the place where you can fully relax and allow yourself to rest. We like to say that your bedroom is the home within your home. If you just slap a TV on your wall or set it on top of your dresser, you will cheapen this space. If you choose an entertainment center, not only are you living in the 1990’s, but you are wasting valuable floor space. So, how do you hide a TV in your bedroom? Simple! Hide your TV in a piece of TV lift furniture!
What is a TV Lift?
A TV lift is a system in which a mechanism raises your TV up from what is typically a hidden location. TV lift mechanisms are usually electric, however, some manufacturers also offer other systems such as a system that is powered by gas-charged pistons (similar to the pistons that help you open the trunk of a car). TV lifts are used in a broad range of applications, some of the most common places to see a TV lift include:
- Bedrooms
- Living rooms
- Any room that has a view that the owner wishes not to block
- High-end boats and yachts
- Outside kitchens and pools
- Beneath kitchen counters or behind kitchen cabinets
Let’s leave the discussion about living rooms, kitchens, and boats for another day. For our purposes, let’s focus in on TV lifts for your bedroom.
Bedroom TV Lift Options
When it comes to TV lift furniture within your bedroom, there are four general options: a TV bed, a TV lift footboard, an end-of-bed TV cabinet, and a TV lift dresser or other cabinet. To give each of these options a rating, we will evaluate them on the following criteria: style & design, space efficiency, TV watching experience, and inconspicuousness. Each of the four areas will receive a score of 1-5 so that we can determine the winner.
TV Beds: 19 out of 20
A TV bed is pretty simple, it is complete bed, including the headboard, footboard, and side rails, with a TV concealed on a TV lift mechanism within the footboard.

Style & Design: 5/5
TV beds are one of the best options from a style & design standpoint. The key here is that the bed is one complete unit and as such matches perfectly. The headboard and footboard are designed and built together to form a cohesive style.
Space Efficiency: 5/5
TV beds use the same footprint that your bed is already using plus a couple of inches. About 90% of the space a TV bed consumes is already dedicated to your bed, so they keep your room clutter-free because they don’t introduce any additional furniture into your space. TV beds can also be built with drawers underneath them (also known as a captain’s bed) allowing you to regain storage space beneath your mattress.
TV Watching Experience: 5/5
You simply can’t beat the TV watching experience of a TV bed. You get the comfort of your bed plus the larger-than-life experience of having your TV right at the foot of your bed. And, if you are concerned that the TV will be too close in a TV bed, all you need is a slightly smaller TV (like a 43-inch, for example) and you’re set.
Inconspicuousness: 4/5
TV beds blend in with your bedroom furniture almost as well as any other option. The footboard is deeper than a standard footboard, but other than that it will hide the TV perfectly.
TV Lift Footboard: 16 out of 20
Once you understand what a TV bed is, the TV lift footboard is pretty intuitive. It is just a TV bed without the side rails and headboard. That is to say it is a standalone footboard with a TV hidden in it.

Style & Design: 3/5
A major weakness of the TV lift footboard is the style. Because it is a standalone footboard, it will not match the rest of your bed perfectly. The fact is that a headboard and footboard that are built by different companies are going to look different, regardless of how hard you try to make them match.
Space Efficiency: 5/5
TV lift footboards require just a few extra inches at the foot of your bed, so they are very space-conscious.
TV Watching Experience: 5/5
The same as a TV bed: excellent!
Inconspicuousness: 3/5
Once again, the footboard is deep, and it won’t match perfectly with your headboard, which will make it stand out more.
End-of-bed TV Cabinet: 9 out of 20
A TV lift footboard is like a pretty cousin of the end-of-bed TV cabinet. This is just a cabinet that sits at the foot of your bed and serves no purpose other than concealing your TV. They are not the same width as your bed, and usually just sit directly against an existing footboard. They are also quite a bit deeper than a TV lift footboard because they are not anchored to anything.

Style & Design: 1/5
The end-of-bed TV cabinet is definitely the least attractive of the options on this list. They look misplaced. It’s like you just put a small dresser at the foot of your bed. They are taller than your mattress but narrower than your bed and they just feel odd.
Space Efficiency: 1/5
End-of-bed TV cabinets don’t save you any space. They actually just introduce another cabinet into your room. Further, the tend to be up to 18″ deep, which is a huge amount of wasted space.
TV Watching Experience: 5/5
The same as a TV bed: excellent!
Inconspicuousness: 1/5
These stand out like a sore thumb. They are extremely conspicuous and stand out like a sore thumb in your bedroom.
TV Lift Dresser or Other Cabinets: 18 out of 20
The final piece of bedroom TV lift furniture we’re going to analyze is a bit different than the rest. The truth is that you can make just about any cabinet into a TV lift cabinet, and one of the best options for a bedroom is a TV lift dresser. Oftentimes, the drawers are still functional in these dressers, making them a pretty slick option for a bedroom.

Style & Design: 4/5
These TV lift cabinets can be as beautiful as you would like them to be. They can look like any normal dresser or other cabinet, so finding one that is stylistically appealing is fairly easy. The one drawback is that they may not match the other dressers or nightstands in your room, which may or may not be a drawback depending on your style.
Space Efficiency: 5/5
These can be some of the most space efficient TV lift cabinets or they can be a complete waste of space, depending on the layout you choose. If you select a cabinet with a dual function (like a dresser TV lift cabinet an entertainment center with a TV lift) then you are not introducing new cabinetry into the room. If you add a cabinet in your room specifically to hide a TV, which performs no other function, then they can be a waste of space because you are sacrificing floor space for an additional cabinet in your bedroom.
TV Watching Experience: 4/5
These are the only TV lift cabinets we’re considering where the TV is not right at the foot of the bed, as such, the viewing experience is much more difficult to control. Finding the right place in your room is the trick with these cabinets, so look around and find the best spot to maximize your viewing experience.
Inconspicuousness: 5/5
These can be extremely inconspicuous. If you choose a dresser TV lift cabinet, for example, it is unlikely that any guest would ever notice that the dresser was secretly a TV lift cabinet. Once again, if you choose a cabinet that is not dual-purpose, they stand out and will be very conspicuous, but assuming you aren’t going to make a silly decision like that, these can blend in masterfully.
The verdict is in! The best option for bedroom TV lift furniture is a TV bed. You simply cannot beat the functionality of these incredible beds. The viewing experience is superb and they blend in with your room seamlessly. The race was fairly close between the TV bed, the TV lift footboard, and the TV lift dresser; the end-of-bed TV lift cabinet was the only option you should probably avoid. They stand out, waste space, and usually don’t look very pretty.